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Key Issues

Don’t Jail the Librarians: Ask the Georgia General Assembly to reject SB74

Senate Bill 74 would amend the OCGA to remove the exemption for libraries and librarians to circulate material deemed “harmful to minors” (O.C.G.A. ยง 16-12-104), in place since 1983. The reason that librarians are generally exempt is historically, our government has recognized the importance of the role of libraries in providing access to information with a wide breadth of viewpoints available, including materials that are considered controversial or sensitive in nature without fear of prosecution. If library staff are not exempt, anyone would be able to remove access to any controversial materials based on fear of accusations of impropriety under the law.

Save IMLS: Share Your Library Story with Congress

The Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS), the federal agency charged with distributing Congressionally approved funds to state libraries and to library, museum, and archives program grant recipients, was recently targeted by an Executive Order. We are extremely concerned that the wording of this E.O. could result in cuts to the core functions of IMLS.

All statements made by the Georgia Library Association are on behalf of the association and should not be construed as speaking on behalf of any particular member or their employer.

Purpose & Contact

The purpose and function of the Advocacy Division of the Georgia Library Association is to promote the development and improvement of libraries for the benefit of the people of Georgia by serving as the primary liaison between the Georgia Library Association and state and national legislative bodies to advocate for policy changes, legislative decisions, funding, and increased awareness of the role, value, and goals of the public library and library services in the community.

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